Machine Learning Researcher, Postdoctoral fellowship, University of Michigan

I designed and developed an open-source Python package for building predictive models adapted to engineering problems SMT which integrates continuous integration technology.

I led the development of the web-based airfoil design tool Webfoil, getting and cleaning the data, dimensional reduction, unsupervised and supervised learning. Interactive analysis of 2D airfoils compared to 1–2 hours using classical approaches.

I improved by 2.5% the prediction accuracy (relative error) of the aerodynamic performance of airfoils using deep learning (TensorFlow) techniques in multi-information source modeling.


Unix/Linux, Python, MATLAB, R Programming, Github, Data Science, Statistics, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Optimization, Computer Science, Pandas, Scikit-Learn, Data Science, Big data, Supervised & Unsupervised Learning, Clustering, Reduction Techniques (PCA, SVD, PLS), Data Analysis & Visualization, Multifidelity Modeling, Automatic Testing & Validation, Travis CI, Aerospace Engineering